Debate Night - UNRESOLVED: Information Disorder
The age of “information disorder” is upon us. Deep fakes, false political narratives, and flawed COVID rumors are all rampant online, threatening America’s national security, as well as democracy itself. Though bad actors have always had the capacity to deceive, the ease, speed, and degree to which anyone can create misleading information has engendered a dangerous new world. And yet many solutions can also run directly against longstanding western principles, such as free speech and a lack of censorship. Prescriptions, some argue, can be as dangerous as the disorder itself. So, what can be done? In partnership with the Homeland Security Experts Group, Intelligence Squared U.S. debates how to combat this dangerous new phenomenon, termed “information disorder.” Our expert panel takes a look at what the private sector should do, what the public sector can do, and how political actors who spread false information should be handled.
Plenary Session 4 - Partnerships in Counter-Human Trafficking Efforts
Human Trafficking is a $150 billion annual stain on modern society and an issue that affects all nations and communities. Governments alone cannot address the issue and increasingly rely on partnerships with civil society to scale training and solution efforts. How can we all contribute to ending modern-day slavery?
Lightning Round 2 - The Cyber Workforce Challenge
How is the Office of the National Cyber Director working to address how America builds and maintains its cyber workforce?