Lightning Round 3: 5G & Beyond
Paul Steinberg, SVP of Technology at Motorola Solutions, will discuss how the public sector can harness the power of 5G, as well as give a view to the next-generation networks coming after it. This session will address the challenges of people, process, policy, security, and infrastructure across the public sector as they navigate 5G, 6G, and beyond.
Plenary Session 4: Looking Inward Addressing Domestic Violent Extremism
The Homeland Security Enterprise was built with an initial focus on external threats and natural disasters. In the past 20 years, most attacks in the US have come from domestically radicalized individuals and we are seeing an increase in hate groups motivated toward violence. How are we working to address radicalization of all stripes? Can the federal counterterrorism enterprise support domestic operations while keeping with our national core values?
Plenary Session 11: Addressing the Push Factors of Migration
The Organization of American States works to build peace and justice and defend the sovereignty of the nations of the Western Hemisphere through four pillars - democracy, human rights, security, and development. These pillars are challenged now more than ever and the effects spill over into the US. How can the regional international community rally to address our common issues?